jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

Echar de menos I


i wish i could return just to the moment we were chatting in that little corner in Verona, while waiting because of my pain, or because of la china feet's pain, or because of nothing. We were good there. We couldnt tell how many hours we had been talking, and that was a good sign.
We've laughed too loud. We were a good team. It's almost two months over and
i miss you, gamberras.

pd: Me encantan vuestros ojos. Juntos.


3 comentarios:

kamikaze. dijo...
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kamikaze. dijo...

Me gustan los pelillos que salen de su frente and ai mis llú aunque hace relativamente poco que no nos vemos.Muuuá

musi dijo...

aii que lloro ..